About Us
Our Staff
Greg Kiel
Patti Sherk
Connie Rayner
Statements of Faith
We believe that the church is a community that gathers to celebrate God's gifts to us in the context of the world in which we live. Worship, learning, and caring, therefore, are at the heart of our congregational life.
We believe God’s grace, mercy, and love is unconditional. What that means in practice is that everyone is welcome in this place. Jesus didn’t set any conditions so neither do we.
We believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbour, reaching out to meet the needs of the community to be God's loving presence in a hurting world.
Companions in Faith
Our Parent Church is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)
God’s grace and unconditional love calls us to be a diverse, inclusive community that celebrates all and upholds life-giving relationships. The ELCIC is the largest organized body of Canadian Lutherans. We trace our roots as a confessing movement to the reformation of the catholic church initiated by Dr. Martin Luther in Germany in the 1500’s. The ELCIC is in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada.
There are five ELCIC synods in Canada. Our Savior’s is a
congregation of the Saskatchewan Synod.
Our church also supports the Canadian Lutheran World Relief, which is engaged in providing humanitarian aid across the globe.